Finally, we are about to put behind us 2009, a year which almost all of us will be happy to forget. As we look ahead to 2010, we can only hope that the next year, and decade, will be better than the last. Whether it will be, is open to question. With that in mind, here are my predictions for 2010 – some serious, some not so much:
The New Orleans Saints will rally in the second half to narrowly beat the Indianapolis Colts in a Super Bowl that will live up to its name.
The summer will be very mild and the winter will be harsh, conditions that the global warming advocates will use as proof that we are on the brink of global warming annihilation.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg will resign from the Supreme Court. President Obama will nominate a very liberal judge to the Supreme Court. This will be vigorously opposed by the Republicans, who will be able to do absolutely nothing about it.
A major terrorist attack in the United States will succeed. The Obama administration will use it as proof that the Bush administration’s policies failed. Janet Napolitano will assure us that “the system worked.”
Tiger Woods will return to golf and win the British Open. All the sponsors who previously dropped him will return.
The Republicans will win back many seats in the house in the midterm elections, but not enough to regain control. Those defeated Blue Dog Democrats who voted for Obamacare will all wind up with jobs in the Obama administration or in liberal think tanks.
Prior to the mid-term elections, at least four more Democrats will cross the aisle and become Republicans.
Some team will win the World Series and no one will really care.
Rap music will remain crap.
Janet Napolitano, up until now Teflon, will finally be fired.
Joe Biden will slowly be re-allowed back into the public eye. He will inevitably say something incredibly stupid and be yanked back into obscurity by the administration.
The Los Angeles Lakers will repeat as NBA champions. Kobe Bryant will remain the biggest whiner in basketball.
There will be a bailout of newspapers, thus ending any premise of subjective journalism.
Harry Reid and Chris Dodd will be soundly defeated in their Senate elections. They will promptly receive jobs in the administration or as lobbyists.
More scandals involving Rep. Charlie Rangel will come to light, but nothing will come of them.
The economy will continue to flatline. The President will blame the Bush Administration.
A major sex scandal will involve the Obama administration. This will be largely ignored by the Main Stream Media.
Tony Stewart will narrowly edge out Jimmy Johnson for the NASCAR championship, garnering far more attention and endorsements than Jimmy Johnson ever did, in spite of the fact that he has had one of the most incredible runs in sports history.
I will not be offered a position in the Obama administration.
John Thune and Mitt Romney will emerge as leading contenders for the Republican presidential nomination for 2012.
Notre Dame will be one of the year’s biggest surprises in college football, ending the season ranked in the top 10 under new head coach, Brian Kelly.
Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, will resign in protest of President Obama’s continued conciliatory approach to Iran. She will prepare to run for her prior Senate seat or challenge Obama in 2012.
There will be another major scandal involving global warming scientists. It will receive about as much attention by the mainstream media as the first one did.
Realizing that criticizing Rush Limbaugh is a losing proposition, the new favorite whipping boy for the Obama administration will be Glenn Beck. In response, the Glenn Beck show will continue to rise in the ratings and at least two more major scandals will emerge as the result of Beck’s reporting.
ACORN will continue to function as if nothing ever happened.
In conference committee, unions will be exempted from the taxes on “Cadillac” health care plans in Obamacare. This will cost at least 3 representatives their seats in the midterm elections.
My golf game will not improve, my novel will only slightly progress, I will continue to be a Facebook addict, and I will lose 100 lbs. by the end of the year.
Have a happy New Year, everyone!