Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Don't Let Them Eat Cake! (Save It For Me)




Deep Dish Pizza

Buffalo Wings

German Potato Salad

Twice Baked Potatoes

Snyders Potato Chips and Pretzels

Chips and Dips


Ice Cream

Sounds like a pretty decent Super Bowl party spread. No one should have gone home hungry, in any case.

I don’t begrudge anyone good food. My current level of rotundity testifies that I have partaken of my fair share of buffets. The problem is that this array of eats is what was served at Barack Obama’s Super Bowl party.

Now, I think the President should be able to have a party or two, and heaven knows this President has had a few parties. Nor do I think a President should not be entitled to eat tasty food. In fact, when compared to the Wagyu beef ($99-$115/lb. at Allen Bros. as of this writing) bash that the Spender-in-Chief threw to celebrate passage of the “Stimulus Bill”, this menu is downright plebian.

The problem that I have with the Obamas serving this food is that this is a White House that continues to nag us about our eating habits. Michelle Obama lobbied heavily for the Child Nutrition Act, a $4.5 billion bill that, among other things, allows the federal government to mandate ingredients in school lunches, what may be sold in school vending machines, and even whether or not bake sales will be allowed in schools. She continues to pressure restaurants to cut fat in their menus, cut out salt in food preparation, and serve apples with fast food instead of French fries. Michelle has become a reverse Marie Antoinette, exclaiming, "Don't let them eat cake!"

We can argue whether or not this should be a concern of the federal government but, if nothing else, it once again demonstrates the hypocrisy of the left and of this administration. As usual, this is an example from this administration to “Do as I say, not as I do.”

This is the same administration that believes that everyone who makes more than $200,000 a year should pay more in taxes but has a tax cheat as its Secretary of the Treasury. It is an administration that says the populace must tighten its belt, but spends at a record pace. It is an administration that tells corporations not to hold conferences in Las Vegas, but spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on lavish vacations. It is an administration that cancels the school voucher program in Washington, DC, the worst public school system in the nation, and then sends its children to exclusive private schools. It is an administration that calls its political opponents “enemies” and “hostage takers”, then says we need to tone down our rhetoric.

This is a President that, when speaking on abortions, states that, “The government should not intrude on private family matters,” yet wants to not allow me to have fries with my Happy Meal.

This administration cannot be taken seriously on anything it says. Its only driving philosophy is to exert more and more control over your life. Every decision it has made, from health care to “net neutrality” to food has this as its ultimate goal. They want to you to sacrifice for their benefit. Do you really think the Obamas are going to be subject to Obamacare?

Americans need to be aware of their eroding liberties and stand against this administration. They must pressure their elected representatives to obstruct whatever increases the power of the federal government to the detriment of individual liberty and self-determination. Today it may be trans-fats, tomorrow, who knows?


  1. Jeff, Your articles are always enjoyable to read but I have to take issue with this one. In principle, I agree with your conclusions but not your example. If the Obama's ate like this every day it would be hypocritical but has Michelle Obama said that you can "Never" eat like this? Are there no exceptions for holidays or other celebrations. While I always enjoy poking fun at people, I think we need to take care to choose solid issues in our political discorse. Otherwise, we sound like a bunch of wacos nitpicking at ridiculous issues. Hmmm.... isn't that what the left is accusing us of? I'd enjoy hearing (or reading) your response.

  2. Steve - My problem isn't that she merely telling us what to do, but she is pushing for legislation to take that choice out of our hands. Besides the hypocrisy issue - how many burgers and hot dogs have we seen Barack down, not to mention his smoking habit - my problem is the intrusion of government into our private lives.

    I also think that if you are going to be a high-profile spokesperson for an issue, there is a responsibility to set an appropriate example. It is a credibility issue. So far, I've seen a lot about how she wants me to eat, but I've yet to see them live the lifestyle they tell me they want me to live.

  3. I totally agree with your conclusions. Hypocrisy is huge in this administration. I often hear of liberals wishing to legalize marijuana and other drugs. Yet they lecture us on eating healthy. I can’t wait for the day when it will be legal to do drugs but we will have to search the black market for French Fries for our munchies. I wonder if there will be manditory jail time for snickers.

  4. Another example is the private jets, huge houses with tons of energy used, etc. of the leaders of the "green". Al Gore's house(s) and jets are another example. If they want me to believe that THEY really care about the environment and they are convinced that driving less, etc. will reduce "bad" things in our environment - then when they are doing public speaking and travel, they should use public transportation, not private jets. Same with the SUV's, etc. that this group on the left drive, but make their livings (in many cases) in promoting that the public not drive SUVS, use as much energy, etc.


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