Friday, September 25, 2009

Roundup of blogs and news - 9/25/09

This is a very thought-provoking article by Victor Davis Hanson at National Review Online. If you think of Barack Obama as a college administrator, it all becomes clearer.

Barack Obama's UN address was typical Obama - typically vapid, narcissistic, and pandering to the worst elements of the world.

Rich Lowry offers another take on the UN speech. Obama Triangulates His Country.

Mona Charen offers her take on the President who seems to feel as though American history began with his election.

Meanwhile, this is how a real leader speaks to the U.N. The transcript of Benjamin Netanyahu's speech, in which he rakes the UN over the coals.

This is why some people were so upset about the Obama speech to school children - because in some of our schools, our kids are being indoctrinated. This is a public school. "Red and yellow, black and white, all are equal in his sight." Hmmmm. That sounds familiar.

Speaking of indoctrination, this video is being shown in many of our schools. It is very anti-American and anti-capitalist. The problems are just too many to mention. It is 20 min. long, but you really should see what our children are being taught.

A good article by Pete DuPont in the Wall Street Journal about why Obamacare is bad for your health.

Oh, and how about this? The IRS confirms that if you don't purchase health care insurance under the Baucus plan, you may be sent to jail!

Want to read the Baucus bill before it is voted on? You can't. Baucus claims it is too difficult to put the bill online. Is there no staffer on Capitol Hill who knows how to use a computer?

So, what if all the data that global warming was based on was lost? Nooooo. There's nothing suspicious about that at all!

Wait! Didn't ACORN CEO, Bertha Lewis, say she was glad that the corruption in ACORN came to light? So why is ACORN suing the filmmakers? And why are two of the fired employees joining in the suit for unlawful termination? And why should anyone take anyone from this organization seriously, ever again?

Obama has reportedly asked Gen. Petraeus and Gen. McChrystal, the commander in Afghanistan, to "scrub" their assesments on the war in Afghanistan. I get tired of saying it, but can you imagine what would happen in Bush had done that? And while we're at it, Obama says he doesn't want to commit more resources to Afghanistan until we have a strategy in place. How long has this man been President?

The US government can't get GI bill checks out to veterans who are depending on them for school. But they will do much better with health care. Right?

From TigerHawk, "A few clowns shout at a "tea party" and the media starts worrying about the resurgent Klan, but the left literally attacks the police at the G20 protests and nobody says anything." Could it be that there is a double-standard? Nah!

The President's "Diversity Czar" at the Federal Communications Commission is a Hugo Chavez admirer. The same Hugo Chavez who has systematically shut down media outlets in Venezuela who oppose him and his policies.

If you haven't read them, yet, I have posted the first two essays in my series on Health Care Reform. Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here.

And finally, another international incident as Pakistan condemns the U.S. for pre-emptive use of Hillary Clinton.

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