Thursday, October 1, 2009

Roundup of blogs and news - 10/01/09

If abortion isn't going to be covered by the Health Care Bill, why do Democrats keep voting down amendments to specifically prohibit it? According to Sen. Baucus, "This is a health-care bill. This is not an abortion bill."

What good does it do to prohibit government funded health care if we are prohibited from asking them for ID? This is why Joe Wilson was right.

Hollywood is full of degenerates. Whoopi Goldberg is an absolute idiot. It is a good thing that she is a child advocate.

Racism Revival: How to be a 21st Century Bigot, by Sonja Schmidt.

Ann Althouse asks, "Why slam those of us with great health benefits? We worked for it. We earned it. And we're the middle-class people Obama said he wasn't going to hurt.

Speaking of raising taxes on the middle class (and everyone else), can you say, "VAT"?

The President doesn't seem to want to be the leader of a world superpower. Ruben Navarrette, at Real Clear Politics, gives his take.

Daniel Henninger explores this same topic. When we hold out our hand to dictators, what does that say to those brave dissidents of those regimes.

Remember all those countries who were going to like us once we got rid of the Bush braggadocio? Well, now they don't like us because we're weak. Who would have ever thought France would be asking us to man up?

Let's try some strong sanctions and see if they work.

Victor Davis Hanson argues that many of our international problems would go away if we would develop our existing energy sources.

Rep. Alan Grayson (D - Moron) elevates the level of discourse on the floor of the House of Representatives. Where is the outcry for a resolution of condemnation? Anyone? At least he didn't accuse anyone of lying.

Don't you feel bad for Michelle and Oprah's sacrifice by taking a trip to Copenhagen? But no sacrifice is too much if it's for the children. (And just how will the Olympics inspire kids to become the next Oprah Winfrey?)

Multi-millionaire, Michael Moore, claims, "Capitalism never did anything for me." Again, why does anyone take this hypocrite seriously?

Stephen Spruiell at NRO takes on our favorite anti-capitalist.

The newly non-politicized Department of Justice is being awfully slow in releasing information about dismissing the case against those New Black Panther Party.

George Will describes how difficult it is to create a sense of crisis about global warming when temperatures haven't risen for 11 years.

In 2009, 47% of Americans will pay $0 income tax. That means that half the people deciding on how we spend money as a nation will be spending the money earned by the other half. I think that everyone who votes should have to pay taxes. Otherwise, there is no disincentive for reckless spending.

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