Monday, October 19, 2009

The White House War Against Opposition Media

Several months ago, on another site, I wrote an article on why I felt that the Obama administration is not socialist, it is fascist, an opinion for which I took some heat from some quarters. In follow-up discussions, I predicted that the next step would be for the President to try to control the media. I felt that the first step would be a bail-out of the newspaper industry, thereby granting the administration essential ownership of the paper media. I still believe that is a distinct possibility, but I was wrong about it being the first step. The first step has been to try to isolate, alienate, and obstruct FOX News.

Of course, the Obama administration made no secret of its antipathy to FOX News, but it has taken on a new dimension over the last month. In the first part of October, the Obama administration informed FOX News that no member of the administration would appear on any FOX News program. On October 11, the attempt to isolate FOX News became public when White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn, went on CNN and declared that the administration doesn't consider FOX News a legitimate news source.

This is the same Anita Dunn who stated that, during the campaign, the Obama campaign totally controlled the media and that they made sure that the media reported what Obama said and not why he was saying it. (This is also the same Anita Dunn who declared that one of her favorite political philosophers and one that she always turns to is mass murderer, Mao Tse Tung.)

Today, it was reported that the White House is now urging other networks to sever any ties with FOX News. As you may or may not know, it is common for news networks to share clips. That is how you see highlights of Meet the Press on FOX News or Sunday Morning with Chris Wallace on CNN. It also explains why you see the same Balloon Boy video on all the networks. For the White House to insist that other networks no longer have ties with FOX News, puts FOX News at a serious competitive disadvantage.

Why does the White House so dislike FOX News? Well, it could be that FOX News is exposing things going on in this administration that the other networks will not. Things like having a radical, communist, truther in the administration, or the ACORN prostitution scandals, or even that the White House Communications Director lists Mao Tse Tung as one of her two "favorite political philosophers." The fact is that the Obama administration does not like opposition viewpoints and is willing to play "hardball" politics in order to silence them. Karl Rove accurately likened this to Richard Nixon's enemy list. In other words, FOX News is the one news outlet that the administration cannot, in Anita Dunn's words, "control."

So now, the Obama administration has admitted that it controls the news media and if the media doesn't play according to the administration's rules, it will be isolated and punished. Is there no mainstream outlet that finds this offensive, or are they too afraid that they will be next?

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