Saturday, September 12, 2009

Obama's Center

During the campaign, we were told that we were being unfair when we mentioned Obama's associations with Bill Ayres, Jeremiah Wright, Father Pfleger, Khalid Rashidi, et al. It was a below-the-belt, guilt-by-association attack, we were told. We were told that his association with ACORN or the Gamaliel Project weren't legitimate issues.

Now, look at the people Obama has advising him - Van Jones, Cass Sunstein, John Holdren. Look at his associations with SEIU, ACORN and his sops to the UAW.

When will people realize that Obama is not a centrist or even a run-of-the-mill liberal? He is a far-left radical who has surrounded himself with far-left radicals and has a far-left radical vision for this country. He has shepherded a break-the-bank "stimulus" bill through Congress that has little to do with stimulus and everything to do with liberal pet projects. He pushed for a far-left cap-and-tax bill that will be the largest tax on the American people ever. (A regressive tax, too. It will hit the lower class far more than the upper.) Now, he wants to change our entire health care system? When will we wake up?

Mark Steyn address this in his article today, "Where is Obama's Center?"

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