Madeline Albright continues her "exceptional" work as an American envoy, reports John Hinderaker at Powerline. "The Russians in attendance must have wondered how they managed to lose the cold war."
Media Matters, a media "watch-dog" group demonstrates their partisan hackery as they edit out pertinent phrases in a Glenn Beck monologue. Reported by Ed Morrisey at Hot Air.
So, Obama in his recent Sunday morning talking head show blitz didn't want to get the tough questions from Fox News. Chris Wallace calls the White House a "bunch of crybabies." Heh.
Here it comes. I predicted it months ago. Obama is laying the groundwork for a newspaper bail-out. I love this line, "I am concerned that if the direction of the news is all blogosphere, all opinions, with no serious fact-checking, no serious attempts to put stories in context, that what you will end up getting is people shouting at each other across the void but not a lot of mutual understanding."
So President Obama didn't know that ACORN was receiving a lot of federal funds? Where has he been for the past 20 years?
Wait a minute . . . didn't we get into our current economic mess because of low-interest, high-risk home loans mandated by the Community Reinvestment Act? So why do Congressional Democrats want to expand it?
From Michelle Malkin in the Washington Times - "Undercover journalism is only acceptable when it fits a liberal agenda."
Victor Davis Hanson explores why the backlash against Obama in his article, "Dr. Barack and Mr. Obama."
I am not surprised by this - 45% of doctors would consider quitting if Congress passes health care overhaul, according to a poll by Investor's Business Daily. I am one of the 45%.
From the same poll, 67% of doctors believe that health care for seniors would suffer under the President's Health Care Reform plan.
Again, I think it is an embarrassment that the U.S. is in the United Nations at all. Mona Charen wonders why we are at least involved in the UN Human Rights Council.
Obama is looking for complete nuclear disarmament. According to one official, "He is saying these are the president's weapons, and he wants to look again at the doctrine and their role." Funny, I thought these were America's weapons.
Zbigniew Brzenzinski, Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, says that Obama should order our military to shoot down Israeli jets if they try to take action against Irans nuclear weapons. Really. This is one more reason that Jimmy Carter was one of the worst presidents in our nation's history. He surrounded himself with these kind of dolts.
And lastly, to complete the circle, Michael Barone writes about liberals trying to stifle dissent. More to come from me on this later. Until then, enjoy Monday Night Football.
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