While entirely predictable, this is getting old very quickly. I have no doubt that there are people who do not like President Obama because of the color of his skin, just as there are people who do not like me based on the color of my skin. But to ascribe every bit of opposition to the President's plans and goals to "racism" is not only false, it an insult to citizens of all races. While there are doubtless some who truly believe this garbage, most are political opportunists who are looking to score cheap points and stifle discussion of the issues. President Obama says he wants an honest discussion, yet crying, "Racism!" deligitimizes not only the argument, but the person making the argument. When one comes from an assumption that their opponent is making an argument based on racism, then one is no longer required to defend their position as the opposition argument is not legitimate. President Obama has not been treated with near the malice and opprobrium that was dealt to President Bush. Can we ascribe his treatment to racism? Of course not. That was "legitimate" ideological opposition. By saying an opponent is racist, the liberal claims the high ground - only they can object to something on ideological grounds, conservatives have no legitimate ideological stands. Come on! Do these people really think that if Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, or John Edwards had been elected President that conservatives would have been happy with the government taking over large chunks of the banking and auto industries, imposing huge tax and regulatory burdens with cap-and-tax, and trying to push through a poorly conceived health care "reform"? Of course not. This should be objectionable to those who have really suffered racial discrimination. So let's stop these baseless accusations and get serious, for a change.
Victor Davis Hanson, at The Corner, makes much the same point and chronicles some of the strident anti-Bush rhetoric.
Joe Wilson, in calling President Obama a liar, was technically wrong, but factually correct. In fact, the health care bill DID prohibit health care for illegal immigrants, but also prohibited checking citizenship status. Several GOP amendments requiring proof of citizenship have been introduced and voted down by party-line vote. Now, the White House, by their actions, admits that Rep. Wilson was right.
The President's health care speech was the "policy equivalent of the middle finger."
Speaking of the Liar-in-Chief, remember those heart-wrenching stories from his speech? Not exactly the way they happened. Surprise!
Is there a "right" to health care? Jeff Jacoby says no.
If you or your family has benefitted from a CT scan, PET scan, MRI or other advanced medical technology, this tax on medical technology companies should interest you.
And why do we think that Washington will do it right this time? After all, their track record is abysmal.
The Obama administration isn't cooperating with the Civil Rights Commission on the New Black Panther case. It's getting old to say, but imagine if Bush stonewalled the commission.
More evidence that "cash for clunkers" is a failure. All is did was move impending car sales forward.
Good news - ACORN dropped from the 2010 census efforts. (Notice how "The Paper of Record" omits any reference to ACORN offices facilitating child prostitution.)
National Review Online, my favorite political blog, re-ran this 2008 story on ACORN today. A great explanation of ACORN and Obama's ties to that organization.
The 9/12 March on Washington, as reported by someone who was actually there.
Speaking of the New York Times, the Van Jones case puts the "lie to the Times' objectivity."
Now for the really important news - My fantasy football team pulled ahead in my game vs. Straight Cash Homey last night, thanks to the Chicago Bears defense and their 4 sacks and a safety. The Roasters now have a comfortable 538 pt. to 411 pt. lead and I have the New England kicker and a Raider running back yet to play. My opponent only has one defensive player left, so unless something really weird happens, The Chesnut Roasters should open the season 1-0. Just to make sure, though, I need to sign off and cheer on my guys.
One of my favorite remarks today was, "That as the congressman was yelling "LIAR" he was really silently adding "Boy". And that it all boils down to an uninformed and jealous congressman not being able to accept and intelligent black president" It is nice to know that the news now gives credence to people who just make up, what they think we are thinking and call it fact! Unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that Maureen Dowd is a treasure. Why the New York Times continues to employ her, I don't know. (Actually, yes I do.)
ReplyDeleteSouth Carolina has a long list of dignitaries that includes Lauren Caitlin Upton (Miss Teen USA 2007 pageant contestant), Board of Education Chair, Kristin Maguire, Governor (and avid Appalachian hiker), Mark Sanford and now Joe “the hater not a debater” Wilson or the “screamer not the dreamer” as others have dubbed him. I did enjoy him cut and running through his apology, which only goes to show that he stands for nothing. He is just another good old boy where in the morning these married men preach to you that there should be prayer in our schools and in the evening they are on their cell phones setting up a date with their other women on the side, hypocrisy has been bred in. I am not surprised that he felt compel to yell like he was at some Friday night game. So long Joey, you too will be seeing the unemployment lines.
ReplyDeleteNow, there is a cogent argument. Again, it all comes down to if you can't debate the message, attack the messenger.
ReplyDeleteSome call Joe Wilson a great statesman, and are even proud of his “Shout Out”, so lets see, he says, he was told by the Republican leadership to apologize (he did not realize the magnitude of his mistake), he then gives his weak “not for reals” apology, but then goes on to those “Commentator Talk Shows” and basically says he real was not wrong and plays the victim card and calls for people to send in for money to support him for re-election. Had he kept quiet after his apology, that might have been the end of it but now that people know he lied about the apology the story will continue, until he is out of a job and the funny thing is, he does not see it coming. This summer has been rough for his beleaguered political party. At least he did not end up on the “Republican 2009 Summer of Love” list: Assemblyman, Michael D. Duvall (CA), Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Stanford (SC), Board of Ed Chair, and Kristin Maguire AKA Bridget Keeney (SC). In my opinion the Republican Party has been taken over the most extreme religious right (people who love to push their beliefs on others while trying to take away the rights of those they just hate) and that’s who they need to extract from their party if they real want to win. Good Luck, because as they said in WACO, “We Ain’t Coming Out”. The bithers, the teabaggers, the screamers, and the deathers continued extreme minority presence will become tiresome to mainstream America, if it has not already done so.
ReplyDeletePaul - I agree that it was rude and boorish for Wilson to interrupt the President's speech, as I wrote in my post of Sept. 10 entitled "A Strange Sense of Priorities." So I am sure that you would agree that the Democratic side of Congress should apologize to President Bush for booing, hissing and shouting "No!" during his 2005 State of the Union Speech. I'm sure you would also agree that the Senate should censure Harry Reid for calling President Bush a liar. Or can we expect an apology from the President for calling the Republican Congress and half of America "liars"?
ReplyDeleteWhile we're at it, why doesn't the House pass a resolution against Nancy Pelosi for calling American citizens "un-American"? Or Charlie Rangel for stealing money from the American people.
And, while Joe Wilson was definitely wrong for the venue, he was right about the content, as the White House later admitted when they were forced to come out in favor of an amendment to force verification of immigrant status.
If it were up to me, we'd have a 100% turnover of the Congress during the coming elections, but if you think that Wilson is in trouble in his re-election bid, you don't know much about politics.