Speaking of ACORN, Harry Reid (Sleazeball-NV) is blocking a Senate probe into ACORN's activities, claiming that they would be a "distraction".
A simple explanation as to why "Health Care Reform" is simply income redistribution. Marxism in sheep's clothing.
Fact-checking Obama's claims about Health Care Reform in this NRO article by Michael Cannon and Ramesh Ponnuru.
Robert Samuelson, in the Washington Post, declares that what is driving Health Care Reform is not public needs or wants, but simply ego-gratification.
Until the Democrats take on Medical Liability Reform, any Health Care Reform bill is not serious about saving money.
You lie! Oops! Wait a second. Now, liberal Dems want to include illegal aliens in our shiny, new government run health-care system.
As the United States moves toward a public health care option, Canada moves toward a private option.
Patrick Kennedy, the dumbest of the clan, says that with the new government mandated medical records, patients may dictate what goes into them. As a physician, let me just say that this is totally INSANE!
And not content to provide one totally idiotic news story of the week, Kennedy goes for two as he provides the inevitable warning against conservative violence.
Mark Hemingway explores what is hidden in the Baucus Health Care bill.
Gosh! Who'd a thunk it? The Obama administration, in spite of all their promises and deadlines and excoriation of the Bush administration, finds that closing Gitmo more complicated than they thought.
The President doesn't have time to meet with his hand-picked General in Afghanistan or to "form a strategy", but he has time to go on a month's vacation, golf, chair a UN session, and now fly to Denmark to shill for the Olympics. Glad to see his priorities are in order.
This abuse of the Voting Rights Act by the Department of Justice is just one more example of how highly politicized this administration's DOJ is. Remember when the Dems complained about the politicization of the Bush DOJ?
I don't often link to Jay Nordlinger's recurring NRO column, Impromptus. Not because I don't like it, in fact, it is one of the columns on NRO I most like and the only one to which I subscribe by RSS. But it covers such a wide range of topics that it doesn't really fit into a round-up like this. I offer a link today because I want to introduce you to this wonderfully pithy and well-written feature, but also because of his first topic, "Everything begins with O".
The funniest man in the world, Dave Barry, turns serious as he talks about the squelching of free speech on our nation's campuses.
And here in our great state of Michigan, it seems that neighbors can't watch their neighbor's children without a license. You won't believe this. Or, sadly, maybe you will.
Tell your children to GET A GOVERNMENT JOB!
Frank Fleming is concerned about the angry conservatives and gives hints on how to make conservatives less angry.
Why in the world is the US giving Libya any money at all, let alone funneling it through the Qadaffi family? Especially after the Lockerbie bomber debacle.
Lloyd Marcus, the African-American musician who sings at the Tea-Parties tells us to stop allowing the left to set the rules.
A very important column by David Limbaugh regarding Obama and globalism.
David Brooks is the New York Times' idea of a "good conservative" which means I have very little use for him and his views normally. This article, on The Next Culture War, however, is very good.
When you've lost Richard Cohen . . . An Obama supporter tells Obama to start acting like a President.
This may need to be a recurring item. More public school indoctrination.
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