Saturday, September 5, 2009

Roundup of blogs and news - 9/5/09

First of all, Happy International Bacon Day, everyone. As someone suffering from swine flu, it is especially gratifying to celebrate eating pigs. Okay, now that the important stuff is out of the way, on to the politics:

Why is Obama's health care reform tanking? It must be because we haven't seen enough of Obama! Jonah Goldberg likens the Obama supporters to Christopher Walken calling for "more cowbell."

Van Jones, Obama's profanity-spewing, white-hating, self-avowed communist and radical, Republican-hating, Green Jobs Czar denies being a 9/11 truther, even though he signed the 9/11 truther petition. I wonder if someone can find evidence to prove he knew exactly what he was doing?

Well, how about that? It seems that Jones was a little more involved in the Truther movement than he admitted. (Have these people never heard of Google?)

Mark Steyn discusses our Omnipresent President and his address to schoolchildren.

Three Democrats give about the only answer they can about how we will pay for government health care - they walk away. (BTW - the last guy babbles about how preventative medicine will save us money. NOT TRUE. Multiple studies have show that preventative medicine, costs MORE.)

The situation in Honduras is another example of the Obama administration's reflexive antipathy for our allies in lieu of those who wish us harm. It is incredible the olive branches we are extending to tyrants and dictators around the world (e.g. - Iran), while throwing allies under the bus. This should get more attention.

More bad behavior in town hall meetings. No, not by constituents, but by Congresscritters. The common denominator here is an insufferable arrogance.

Mona Charen details what Obama could say in his upcoming health care address to regain our respect.

Obama may need a crisis to revive health care overhaul. Can you say, "Swine flu pandemic"?

The inimitable Charles Krauthammer on Obama, The Mortal

And last, but certainly not least, a doctor (a radiologist, no less) proposes an overhaul of our legal system. Heh.

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