If you read only one article today, read this one by Ralph Peters. We say "Never forget", but it seems that we've already forgotten.
To illustrate the above, the Department of Homeland Security urges us to remember the victims of 9/11 by . . . helping stop the spread of swine flu. Really.
The world's best conservative columnist, Charles Krauthammer, discusses why Van Jones had to go. The incredible part is how the White House and other liberals seemed perfectly comfortable with having a 9/11 Truther in an administrative position.
Who are more nuts, Truthers or Birthers? Jonah Goldberg discusses.
An anti-abortion activist was killed because of his activities today. I think that we can all expect the press to weep and gnash their teeth over all the hate on the left. We can expect the White House to express their dismay over this violence. I'm sure that leading abortion activists will rapidly condemn the shooter. Right? Anyone?
Rich Lowry tells you how you, too, can make a speech like Obama.
Jack Webb schools Obama. Heh.
Why Medicare should not be used as the model for health care reform. I can say from personal experience that physicians HATE Medicare. One of the big reasons your insurance premiums are so high is that you are subsidizing Medicare and Medicaid patients.
Wonder why Republicans haven't come up with their own health care plan? They have - at least 32 times! Why haven't you heard about this? Take one guess.
Thomas Sowell writes, "One of the secrets of being a glib talker is not getting hung up over whether what you are saying is true." He writes today about our Charlatan-in-Chief. But he's probably just racist.
No American should have to choose between health insurance and getting drunk.
ACORN is at it, again. Even though a second ACORN office counseled a "pimp and prostitute" on how to circumvent the law, ACORN insists that this is a "political smear campaign."
Oh, and it's racist, too. Of course.
But at least the State's Attorney's Office in Baltimore is on the case. They are going after the real criminals in this whole thing. You won't believe this one. (On second thought, the sad truth is you probably will believe it.)
The good news is that ACORN won't be conducting the census this year. At least until Barney Frank, et al. enter into the fray.
Because nothing says Liberal like trying to silence your political opposition.
Have a good weekend, everyone.
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