At the WSJ, Rep. John Shadegg and, one of the few Congresscritters I like and, hopefully, the next Governor of Michigan, Rep. Pete Hoekstra, explain how we can insure every American without overhauling the entire system. Next time you hear that the opposition hasn't presented a plan, think about this. They've presented a number of plans, but those are conveniently overlooked by the mainstream media and the liberals.
Remember when Nancy Pelosi promised to "drain the swamp" of corruption in Congress? Apparently, she doesn't.
Is Obama incompetent? Dan Riehl argues that it is not incompetence, but "inexperience combined with a hubris that has prevented Obama from figuring out there's a certain humility required to be an effective president."
If we are going Socialist, why not go the whole way? Let's redistribute beauty.
If this isn't the quintessential liberal story, I don't know what is: The union thug who beat up Kenneth Gladney at a health care reform town hall is applying for disability for an on-the-job injury suffered while administering the beating! It doesn't get better than this.
The Honduran situation is a perfect example of the abject failures of this administration's foreign policy. We recognize a tyrant, elected by fraud and placed in office due to the sheer brutality of his government in Iran, but punish an ally who legally removed a would-be tyrant from office in accordance with their own constitution. The world is upside-down.
What the economy has done in relationship with the administration's projections. Remember this when you hear the projections of how government health care will save us money. This administration hasn't been correct in a projection, yet.
Why are there no new jobs? Could it be that the antipathy this administration shows toward small business?
Have a happy Labor Day, everyone!
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